NetVol not replicating, yet GPOs are ?

We were called out today for a job where a Domain controller ( DC ) was responding to requests , but only really, really slowly. Hit an alternative DC and it logged you on at the speed of light. Some digging was involved and GiraffeIT diagnosed that the netvol wasnt replicating.

The fix wasnt too bad.

  1. Stop the NTFRS service
  2. add in an administrator / elevated privledge user to the system information folder on the server with full control
  3. goto the folder that has a uniqueID and rename it ( I chose folderXYZold
  4. find the “private” folder , rename that ( I chose PrivateOLD )
  5. Restart the NTFRS service.
  6. Either await replication on cycle, or force start with the active directory sites and services snap in.

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